Friday, 11 September 2015

OGB // question six

After a little break, #onegirlband Q&A sessions are now back on Instagram every Sunday evening. These are a great way to gain some insight into other creative's day to day lives, and gives us the comfort that we are all in this together. I love reading the different answers that come in each week, it's incredibly grounding and some answers leave me with a huge smile. Here is this week's question with the answers below.

'This week I started and delivered my first 'client' job, up until now it's been for friends.'

'This week I took the step to create a separate Instagram account for my business, and finally got round to getting some business cards printed!'

'This week I was on Holiday so not much. But I did learn I'm not good with being off the 3G grid as I keep up to date with my wee shop!'

'I got a new stockist in a shop I absolutely adore!'

'I gained my first actual stockist...which was super exciting and now I just want to keep visiting the shop to see my jewellery '

'I'm very excited to have secured a stall at my first juried craft fair!! Now to make lots of goodies to sell.'

'This week I reached 5000 Instagram followers!  I know numbers aren't everything but it felt good after I've been putting more work into my IG account this year '

'It was the end of summer fashion show for the children who attend the Fashion School where I teach. I am bursting with pride at how incredible each of those girls are. So many beautiful deigns that took weeks to sew, with patient little hands - I had goosebumps during the finale and felt proud of my contribution. It's an amazing to go to bed with '

Keep an eye out on my Instagram feed this Sunday for the next question.

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